Global gridded emissions from 1750-2022 at 0.5 degree Data downloaded from ESGF on 7 and 8 December 2024 by Anne Kubin (https download from website) [Search for: mip_era = CMIP6Plus; institution_id = PNNL-JGCRI] These emissions data correspond to the v2024_04_01 aggregate emissions release. Major new features include: * Updated gridding proxies overall * Improved location of large point source emitters, particularly for SO2 * New implementation of seasonality, including sub-annual impacts during COVID See also CEDS Release Notes ##################### DOI (any CEDS release): 10.5281/zenodo.3592072 The DOI above will resolve to the latest CEDS data system release Last update: July 8, 2024 System and Data Release: July 8, 2024 (CEDS v_2024-07-08) ----------------------------------------------------------- Release of CEDS code and input data. Updates include: Methodology and Data Updates from Previous Release** Corrected a historical GBR SO2 discontinuity before 1850 in smelting SO2 emissions Other small historical corrections to smelting SO2 before 1850 Small corrections to historical NOx and NH3 emissions Data DOI for this version: 10.5281/zenodo.12803197 Gridded files will be available shortly TBD: full "journal style" data citation will be added shortly System and Data Release: April 1, 2024 (CEDS v_2024-04-01) ------------------------------------------------------------ Release of CEDS code and input data. Updates include: ***Methodology and Data Updates from Previous Release Update default emissions data to EDGAR v6 (air pollutants to 2018), EDGAR v8 (CH4, N2O to 2022), latest FAO (agriculture CH4 and N2O to 2020), Andrew (CO2 cement to 2022) Updated inventory scaling for Argentina, Australia, Canada, EMEP, Korea, Taiwan, UNFCCC (Annex I GHGs), and United States. Update to latest OMI/TropOMI composite SO2 point source catalog (through 2022) Improved flaring emissions extension over recent years using flaring volumes and additional data flaring emissions time series Improved recent year extension of liquid fuel consumption Update shipping fuel sulfur and incorporate new international S content agreements (IMO), adjusted for non-compliance. Shipping activity data updated. Sectoral detail added for metal processing sectors (3 new sectors) Additional detail in emissions, now released by fuel, country, and sector. Numerous country and sector-specific updates. ***Major Emission Changes from Previous Release Global emissions continue to decrease over recent years for SO2, OC, BC, CO, NOx, with the largest decrease in SO2. Only modest changes in global NMVOC. NH3, CH4, N2O, and CO2 emissions are increasing, although CO2 emissions in 2022 were nearly the same as in 2021. Overall lower road transportation emissions for many species in regions without country-level inventories, largely due to lower incomplete combustion emissions, particularly CO and NMVOC, in non-OECD regions in EDGAR v6. Revisions in historical EDGAR estimates result in fairly monotonic increase in CH4 emissions over time ***Known Issues Nigeria and Ethiopia residential biomass emissions, other than BC OC, are likely overestimated in this release . Some SO2 emissions detected by OMI/TropOMI may not be included yet, although these are small overall CO2 process emissions from primary and secondary metal production is currently allocated entirely to the 2C1_Iron-steel-alloy-prod sector. Some of these emissions are from the production of other metals. Data DOI for this version: 10.5281/zenodo.10904361 TBD: full "journal style" data citation will be added shortly