


Starting a run

In order to be able to run the model, you will need a runscript and an input file for the emission data

General information about runscripts

The model in its current version ( icon-hammoz-distrib-prerelease_1.0) is released with three runscript templates pre-configured for
  • a standard present-day simulation with ACCMIP emission data (exp.atm_amip_hammoz)
  • a standard present-day simulation with ACCMIP emission data for anthropogenic and aircraft emissions but daily GFAS data for biomass burning emissions (exp.atm_amip_hammoz_GFAS)
  • a pre-industrial simulation representative for 1850 emission conditions (exp.atm_amip_hammoz_PIA) (Caution: SSTs and sea ice are set for present day)

For each of the runscripts a corresponding emission-matrix input file (emi_spec*.txt) is provided.

Default settings

The default spatial resolution is R02B04L47, the preset period to be simulated is 2002-2013.

Output is written every 6 hours, a new output file is opened at the first day of a new month.

Generate a runscript from the template

Change directory to the icon-basedir of your clone of icon-hammoz-distrib.

Then execute

./make_runscripts atm_amip_hammoz 

Customizing a runscript

The actual runscript is named and you will find it in the directory 'run'

cd run

When you want to customize the runscript, think of the following:

  • Adjust the start and end time of the experiment
  • Adjust the output frequency (this can be set separately for each output stream)
You might also want to
  • Change the name of the script
  • Change the name of the experiment
  • When using a different emission data set - build your own emi_spec_<emidatasetname>.txt file and add or delete where necessary the variables in the output_nml for the emi_tm stream.

Running the script

The exact command to submit your job to the batch queueing system of your machine may differ. Have a look at the
Platform-specific documentation

In case there is none for your machine, feel free to start one.